WARNING | The content of this website may be disturbing to some readers. If you are an Indigenous Canadian and need help or want to talk, please contact the Hope for Wellness Help Line at 1-855-242-3310.

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William, virtual reality

WILLIAM is a virtual reality (VR) series that sheds light on a part of Canadian history that was long silenced and deliberately ignored.

For one revealing moment, you will be this child; you will be transported back in time and witness the realities many Indigenous children faced in residential schools.

According to the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2015), the residential school system was the primary vehicle for a policy of assimilation that sought to destroy their cultures, identities and histories.

The six episodes of WILLIAM allow the user to live this dark chapter of Canadian history in the first person.

What was the Canadian Indian residential school system ?
VR icon

For a truly immersive experience, we recommend that you use virtual reality gear to watch the series. It will allow you to enter an interactive 3D universe and live the story in the first person.


Episode 1 (8+)


Young William peacefully lives with his family on their ancestral land.

Episode 2 (13+)

The Departure

Government agents show up to take William away to residential school.

Episode 3 (13+)

The Arrival

Members of the clergy put William and the other new students through the harsh arrival routine.

Episode 4 (13+)

The Dorms

A glimpse of what happens at night in the boys dormitory.

Episode 5 (13+)

The Classroom

A stringent nun teaches English to William and his classmates.

Episode 6 (8+)

Back home

After years away at residential school, William is finally back home.

William, the series